Before and After Rhinoplasty Gallery

Our amazing patient was insecure of her side profile and hated the bump and droopy tip. She was thinking about doing her nose for a while and she knew Dr. Kassir would be the one to give her dream nose. 1 month post-op and she is in love with her results and it will continue to de-swell and get defined as months pass by.

Our beautiful patient came to us about a year ago deciding between a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty & Surgical Rhinoplasty. She did the non-surgical first to see a preview of how her nose would look like. After loving how her nose looked she knew the surgical rhinoplasty would seal her confidence & have an even better result. A month later she looks absolutely stunning and is obsessed with her results
YES! You can get a surgical rhinoplasty after doing a liquid nose job. You do not have to wait for the filler to dissolve as we can flush the filler out during the operation.